Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Speech Given by Romano Prodi

Evaluation of the speech given by Romano Prodi, the president of the European Commission 2000-2005 in Europarliament, Strasbourg, 15 February 2000. After a quick glance at the speech we can see a positive inspiration of an ex-prime minister of Italy, to a stronger, healthier Europe thorough a better management of scare resources (money) and optimization (review our priorities and focus on our core business). To focus on its real priorities†¦ to shed low-priority activities and thus free up resources†. Prodi wants to revive the lost faith in the European institutions. Enlargement, progress, lower unemployment. Strengthen Europe's capacity for prosperity and progress. This â€Å"vision† then, is for an all-round project enabling the construction of a Europe capable of upholding its own responsibilities towards future candidates for accession. Enlargement, approached on a basis of such a broad design, adds a number of considerable advantages: politically, it strengthens the role of democracy in Eastern Europe; conomically, it offers the prospect of a vaster, more competitive market; from the security viewpoint, it can represent the starting point for a new all-European system of guarantees, thus playing a complementary role with the enlargement of NATO, offering Russia reasons for integrating and cooperating with the West. However, usual debates about vigorous and sustained growth, security, sense of meaning and purpose and projecting its model into a wider world have a strong political motive. Not only Prodi wants to satisfy his personal ambitions, but also want to steer the entire process of establishment of new Europe. Relation to the in-house administrative reform of the Commission. Renewed understanding of the tasks and â€Å"core business† of the Commission that are enshrined in the Treaty, given the new context of interdependence and interactions between various levels of government. Despite denying of thinking imperialistically, the aims are to establish a control over large territories, to impose European principles. â€Å"We must aim to become a global civil power†. European interests mentioned by the president of the Commission are nothing else but a wish for Europe to be a superpower. Prodi paints a picture of a European Union increasingly at ease with itself as it grows in both political and economic stature. Take economics first: Romano Prodi's five-year statement, published a week in advance of his appearance at the European Parliament, is a blend of Thatcherite economic rectitude and Clinton†s high-tech infospeak. His objectives are clear. To push for continued, if painful, reform of Europe's welfare systems and labour markets. To enforce the euro-inspired disciplines on public spending. To promote the case for further international trade liberalisation. To point Europe towards a high-value service economy, based on high universal educational standards and widespread access to information technology, to rival that of the US. To clamp down on state subsidies and provide space for private initiative. What Romano Prodi does not say is perhaps even more significant: no more corporatism, no more inflated public spending projects, and no more false promises. His approach will be reinforced at a special summit of European leaders in Lisbon at the end of March. The political will finally seems to be in place to transform the rhetoric of economic reform into practice across Europe. Among new priorities, Prodi said the commission needs to improve the delivery of its external aid: the EU is the world's largest donor but its work is often slowed and hampered by â€Å"top-heavy internal systems† and lack of staff where they are needed. It will focus on the Balkans, notably aiming to liberalise trade, build infrastructure and support political and civil reforms to bring those countries closer to the EU, he said. The commission will also â€Å"vigorously conduct† EU enlargement negotiations and develop cooperation with Russia and the Mediterranean countries. EU enlargement, aimed at bringing many of those countries into the European family of nations, â€Å"will be a hard road to travel,† Prodi warned. â€Å"We will have to win over public opinion. We will be open, but also frank and tough in negotiations. † Even as Prodi addressed parliament, EU foreign ministers meeting in Brussels were formally opening membership talks with the second wave of six applicant countries – Malta, Romania, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania and Bulgaria. Six others – Cyprus, Hungary, Poland, Estonia, the Czech Republic and Slovenia – have been in talks for two years. â€Å"Enlargement is necessary,† said Prodi, â€Å"if we are to spread peace, stability and shared values throughout the continent. We must reassure the public that enlargement is not just an awkward necessity, it is an historical opportunity in our joint political and economic interests. The challenge of enlargement involves break with the past. The prospect of enlargement automatically gives the Union a continent wide posture, which requires a redefinition of its internal policies and makes it a benchmark player for the Russian Federation and Mediterranean area. It also increases the Union†s responsibility as a power in the context of globalisation. Institutional and democratic challenges are also inevitable. The priority now needs to be changing the methods to ensure that objectives can be understood and acted on successfully. Encourage discussion amongst citizens of European values, issues and decisions. Reform the process for preparing and implementing Community rules and policies to ensure that they are pertinent and coherent. The commission will overhaul its own functioning concentrating on â€Å"core business† and â€Å"shedding activities†. â€Å"This will be our response to one of the key criticisms made by the Committee of Independent Experts – the mismatch between resources and tasks. We will demonstrate that we can help them match by shedding activities. † He confirmed the commission's proposal to decentralise its exclusive powers in competition policy to national competition authorities and courts, allowing it better â€Å"to develop and interpret the rules and deal with competition cases that have a real Community impact. † Governance will be taken to encompass rules, processes and behaviour that affect the way in which powers are exercised at European level, particularly as regards accountability, clarity, transparency, coherence efficiency and effectiveness. Does the Commission act in democratic way? Does the actions achieve their objectives? What should be done to improve situations? The speech, as I see, has a strong political tone. It is not just about optimizing European management, it is to re-inforce the Commission. None of the European institutions are untouchable. Many of them will be forced to decrease thier power. Shift from a procedure-oriented organisation to a policy-oriented one. And Commission is going to be that one. â€Å"The Commission must become a political driving force to shape the new Europe, that inspires and manages, acting always in European interest,†¦ moving away from the more traditional tasks†. His global ambitions demand some attention too. He wants to take a real participation in regulating world class questions such as wars, genocides. In my opinion, his intention is to counterbalance NATO and US trough establishing own European seurity and intervention into at least European conflicts. The concept of governance is aimed at a common political system of the European Union. Construction of a Community that respects the identity of each of its Member States. Reformation of European modes of governance is all about improving democracy in Europe. Prodi's speech to parliament did not draw general praise. Some called it â€Å"a scientific treatise but not a real political strategy. † Others told â€Å"There is nothing new at all in working program, lots of prose, not much optismism. † â€Å"There are still significant disparities among the countries of Europe and you fail to address these. † Prodi said that actions speaks louder than words. Even if a small part of what he intends to do will occur, we shall see a quite different Europe in terms of strength, political behaviour and a strong institute, the Commission.

Friday, August 30, 2019

I Heart Huckabees: Concept of Dasein Essay

This is one of my attempts to highlight a few of the connections between the thought provoking scenes of this movie and the Existential movement in 19th and 20th century Philosophy. I do list and describe a few scenes and quotes, so i’ll throw on a SPOILER alert just in case. One of the most prominent concepts in I (Heart) Huckabees is that of Martin Heidegger’s Dasein. Dasein, literally meaning â€Å"Being-there†, is Heidegger’s method in which he applies another prominant Existential philospher, Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology to human beings themselves. What it does is instead of defining a â€Å"thing† and putting it into a preconceived category, one waits for the â€Å"thing† to reveal itself in its own time. The remarkable thing about Heidegger is that he never calls human beings â€Å"man†, but instead we are Dasein – in other words, we are simply in a field of being where we are free to define who we are for ourselves. Our being Dasein is our â€Å"thrownness† into life(a prominant theme to the Existential movement), and we are â€Å"thrown† into life with other Dasein(you and I). This then leads to mitdasein (â€Å"with-there-being†), meaning we are still â€Å"being-there†(Dasien), but now we are there with other Dasein. I (Heart) Huckabees demonstrates Heidegger’s Dasein and mitdasein multiple times, usually emphasized by Dustin Hoffman’s character, Bernard. In the first few scenes of the movie, Bernard speaks of infinity and â€Å"the blanket. † He holds up a blanket and asks us to imagine that it is the entire universe. Each part of the blanket is a different person, place, or thing; whether it is a hammer, or Paris, or you, the reader of this review. The point he makes is that everything in the universe is interconnected and we can’t tell where one person begins and another ends. Bernard also tells us, â€Å"The universe is an infinite sphere, the center is everywhere and the circumference is nowhere. † This is a wonderful example of Heidegger’s Dasein; our being has no outside to speak of, it is totality. The blanket represents mitdasein, demonstrating that we are not alone in our infinite field of being, but instead are accompanied by every other Dasein, all overlapping. Another of Heidegger’s Existential ideas is tossed about in I (Heart) Huckabees, though not as defined as the illusions to Dasein. When Tommy (Mark Wahlberg) and Albert (Jason Schwartzman), meet the French nihilist, Caterine (Isabelle Huppert), she introduces Heidegger’s concept of authenticity and inauthenticity. In the scene, Caterine has Tommy and Albert repeatedly bash each other in the face with a large ball; they continue to hit one another until the one being beaten ceases to think for a brief period. They have discovered what Caterine calls â€Å"Pure Being. † In ceasing to think, Albert and Tommy are allowed to simply be free to exist (Dasein, again), but they are soon pulled back in their minds, which Caterine names human drama. Though they think they can teach themselves to stay in a state of â€Å"Pure Being† all the time, Caterine explains that it will always be a cycle, going from â€Å"Pure Being† to human drama and back again. According to Heidegger, before we realize our selves, we are in a state of Verfallenheit, or â€Å"fallen-ness. † In this state, we are slaves to what Heidegger calls the One (â€Å"human drama†), or rather the public life. We are part of this public creature and we are categorized for being as such. This constricts us as Dasein and doesn’t allow us to realize our full potential. It is during this state of Verfallenheit, and being part of the One, that we are inauthentic. We are not being true to ourselves as Dasein, and therefore not allowing ourselves to rise to the level of existence we need to reach. It is only when we break free from the One and enter the level of Self that we become authentic, true selves. Heidegger understands, however, that sometimes we are pulled back into Verfallenheit, and must then go back through the One, or human drama as Caterine puts it, and back into the level of self. As Heidegger explains our cycle of inauthenticity and authenticity, Caterine explains much the same thing in her description of the cycle between â€Å"Pure Being† and human drama. Another I (Heart) Huckabees scene with high existential fiber is the short poem about a rock which Albert has written for his â€Å"open spaces† campaign: â€Å"Nobody sits like this rock sits. You rock, rock. The rock just sits and is. You show us how to just sit here†¦ and that’s what we need. † The poem brings to light the term Being-for-itself (etre pour soi), which is most closely associated with famous Existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre. Because of our consciousness, this term is most often applied to human beings and states that we are always beyond ourselves, thinking thoughts of ourselves, obsessively thinking of our pasts and futures, etc. This causes alot of pain and suffering for human kind – causing us to view ourselves in the future or judge ourselves according to the past – failing to be in the present moment, in the NOW. Unlike the rock which is always in the present moment, or, â€Å"being-in-itself†, Sartre believes that we can never possess ourselves fully. We can posses the rock, however, because it is a thing. The rock is not conscious, it is what it is at all moments†¦ but this is something impossible for humans because of our capability to go beyond ourselves in consciousness. In the final scene of the movie, Albert and Tommy are sitting on the rock and Albert claims that â€Å"The interconnection thing is definitely for real. † Heidegger would smile at Albert’s newfound discovery of mitdasein, that we are not alone in our infinite field of being, but instead are accompanied by all others. â€Å"Everything is the same, even if it’s different. † In this closing scene, in the same place as when the movie opened, seeing them both there on the rock made it hard not to think of the characters Vladimir and Estragon from Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, a famous Existential play in which two men wait endlessly in the middle of nowhere for a man named â€Å"Godot†. The Existentialism that gave birth to many of the scenes in the movie, I believe to be numerous. I have only touched upon a fraction of these. For example, two very famous philosophers – Friedrich Nietzsche and Soren Kierkegaard – can be seen as represented by the characters of Caterine and Bernard. Nietzsche, most well known for his claim that â€Å"God is dead†, may very well be an incarnation in the philosophy shown by Caterine. Kierkegaard on the other hand, who believed that God is not dead, but trully being faithful requires a â€Å"leap of faith†, is brought alive in the enlightening and â€Å"soft† teachings of Bernard and his wife. I wont go into further detail about the works of these two men, but encourage anyone interested to read deeper into their two philosophies†¦ you will certainly find more connections between the movie and the Existential movement. I hope this has helped share some light on those both perplexed by the movie and those interested in knowing the deeper historical and philosophical aspect of I (Heart) Huckabees. If you take some time to educate yourself on the background of Existentialism, you may find that I (Heart) Huckabees prooves to be a totally different experience when viewed a second time around.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Compare and Contrast Mesopotamia & Egypt

Compare & Contrast Essay Mesopotamia and Egypt By: Jessenia Carranza Egypt and Mesopotamia are similar because they share the same concept of having a single rule, although Egypt is a theocracy and Mesopotamia is a monarchy; and both are divided into social classes, the difference being that women in Egypt have more right than Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia and Egypt are both based upon a single ruler. The Akkedians, for example, had king Sargen, who formed the first empire; or even Hammurabi, the ruler of Babylonia, he created the fist code of laws, which were followed by his people.The Akkedians had to have a single ruler because an empire doesn’t form itself; it needs a leader, which is the king. Similar to this is Menes the king of Egypt, he united Lower and Upper Egypt and built the first dynasty. Although Mesopotamia and Egypt were both based upon a single ruler, Egypt was a dynasty and passed down the power to the son, whereas Mesopotamia was just a monarchy didn’t nec essarily pass down the power to the son.In Egypt the pharaohs, were believed to be gods, therefore it was a theocracy and he had total control. Unlike Egypt, Mesopotamia was a monarchy, and it was believed that their ruler descended from the gods, but they were not gods. Another similarity between these two societies is that they are divided into social classes. In both of them, the King is in the first class followed by wealthy merchants and then the farmers, unskilled workers, and all the other people.Basically the social classes in Mesopotamia and Egypt are based on power, money and skills. One difference between both of these societies is that they Egypt give women more rights then the women in Mesopotamia. In Mesopotamia women could only own property and could divorce their husbands. Meanwhile, in Egypt women could not only divorce and own property, but also they could also manage and sell properties and trade. In short, while in Mesopotamia women’s rights were restricte d, in Egypt women’s right were equal to men.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Drama Wit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Drama Wit - Essay Example This play demonstrates every angle of this treatment. "Wit" is excellent demonstration of physical and mental situation of patient, Prof Vivian, going through very aggressive treatment. It last eight months, and during the whole course she comes across hospital staff that approached her with different attitudes. DR. Jason, former student of Prof Vivian and a clinical fellow, was very intelligent and hard working. He respects Vivian most, which is visible from conversation between Jason and Susie, but at the same time very serious about his fellowship and research. When Susie asks for lowering Vivian's dose, he refuses and sticks to full dose, for research purpose. Susie, the nurse, is very soft hearted and caring. She love Vivian and wants to help Vivian in all the way her need. She cares for her and do not like to see her in pain. It is visible from scene when she asks Jason to lessen dose for Vivian because of her physical situation. She is always there when Vivian need somebody to talk. This is understood from the conversation betwee n Susie and Vivian after whole course is over. Dr Kelekian, Vivian's doctor, is a good person. He wishes to cure her, at the same time he consider her a research. He is very strict with profession and do not allow involvement of emotions. Vivian was more a research than a patient for both Kelekian and Jason. They both insist for full dose in spite of Vivian’s bad physical condition. At the end also, although Jason knows about Vivian’s DNR status, he call code because he want her to stay alive for his research. All these conversations and actions show that overall Vivian is treated with respect and caring, but at the same time she is an object for research.... All these conversations and actions show that overall Vivian is treated with respect and caring, but at the same time she is an object for research. Through all course of action, audience is encouraged to react sympathetically towards Vivian. This was about other characters of drama. Now talk about centre charter of play, Vivian. She is a very intelligent and tough lady. She survives through 8 months long strong treatment, which no one expected. She is very strict with her profession as well, and that is why she understands Dr. Kelekian's strictness of treatment. She understands importance of research and supports all the requirements. There are many scenes in drams where her toughness is clearly visible, but at last, after all suffering, she also gives up the hope of living. She decides to become "DNR". Conclusion This play is not just about Vivian, but all the patients going through very painstaking treatments. Many times treatments give positive results, but there are some times when the treatment fails. If treatment success, every thing is fine and patient gets back to the normal life, but when treatment fails, situation of last days is very important. A person always wish to live his last days on earth with great pleasure. There can not be bad thing than spending days in hospital with hope of cure. Hope is good, only when it comes true, but spending days in a hope, when it is impossible to happen, is worse. Situation of Vivian is similar; she is spending her last days in hospital. In her last days, she is undergoing aggressive treatment, taking medicines, injections and giving exams. Is it the thing that we should offer to a person who is about to die Her cancer was at last stage, and was clearly incurable. When doctors knew it,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

National Programme for IT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

National Programme for IT - Essay Example National application service providers (NASPS) will be responsible for delivering national application.LPS will have the responsibility of delivering the local aspects of national care record service (NCRS). These were created for contracting purposes and this led to the country being subdivided into five clusters that were competing to select a dedicated LSP which would deliver the integrated National Care Records Service across that path The care records service is responsible for most of the practices that involve the patients that include checking on their progress, proactive decision support, prescription ordering, and integrated patients’ data. The first phase whose due completion was in 2004, highlighted that all the clinicians were supposed to be able to access patient’s information from the internet and that the hospitals were to be x-ray enabled. Later on, the clinicians were to be able to access the records of the patients including their discharge time, their personal documentations and more on their prescriptions. The data spine was to regulate or control who accessed the data and act as the doorway to the functioning of LSP. This meant that there would be no access to LSP without due authenticity from the data spine. The spine had the addresses of the people, their names, their updates and the demographic data of the patients in it The national prescription service was added to the NCRS to assist in the national prescriptions movement between the GPs, National Prescribing Price Authority and the community pharmacists. This will reduce the repetition in prescriptions and the administrative burden to manage them and also help provide the pharmacists in getting the feedback required and getting to know whether the patients are taking the medications as prescribed. In addition to this, the patients will be able to book appointments without the need to queue. The NHS network is very efficient to allow if to work well between NHS components

Membership of the European Unoin is not the only challenge to the Essay

Membership of the European Unoin is not the only challenge to the traditional view of the supremacy of the UK Parliment, but it is the only one that seriously undermines that traditional view. Discuss - Essay Example That is, before the establishment of towns and cities, the concentration of people were in villages, where they lived a way of life, governed by local politics. With the evolution of humans and territories, political setup, which ruled a village, also evolved and new political setups or governance came into being, to rule cities, provinces or states and importantly countries. One of the political setups or governance that is visible all over the world, particularly in democratic countries is the Parliament. Parliament is the governing body which is endowed with the power of law-making and also functions as the forum for discussion and solution of peoples’ problems. â€Å"The term ‘Parliament’ is usually associated with the British system of parliamentary government, a system which has influenced the development of representative assemblies in many parts of the world† (Sapara). So, this paper will focus on the â€Å"Mother of Parliaments†, the United Kingdom Parliament, and will analyze its supremacy and importantly the issues that have crept in, to challenge that supremacy. The Parliament of the United Kingdom is the supreme legislative body for United Kingdom and also its overseas territories. It only confers powers to all the other political bodies of United Kingdom, who all form an important part of governance. The UK parliament is of bicameral mode, with an upper house, the House of Lords, and a lower house, the House of Commons. â€Å"By constitutional convention, all government ministers, including the Prime Minister, are members of the House of Commons or, less often, the House of Lords, and are thereby accountable to the respective branches of the legislature† (wikipedia). So, in addition to conferring the power, the parliament makes them accountable for their actions, when they govern the people and take care of the public issues. Apart from these powers or

Monday, August 26, 2019

E-Commerce laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

E-Commerce laws - Essay Example The proper functioning of the Internal Market in electronic commerce is ensured by the Internal Market clause, which means that information society services are, in principle, subject to the law of the Member State in which the service provider is established. In turn, the Member State in which the information society service is received cannot restrict incoming services. Examples of services covered by the Directive include online information services (such as online newspapers), online selling of products and services (books, financial services and travel services), online advertising, professional services (lawyers, doctors, estate agents), entertainment services and basic intermediary services (access to the Internet and transmission and hosting of information). These services include also services provided free of charge to the recipient and funded, for example, by advertising or sponsorship. (Electronic commerce) The European Union is maintaining momentum in its efforts to regulate the Internet and electronic commerce, especially with respect to conflicts of law in cyberspace. A directive establishing a common legal framework for electronic commerce within the European Union1 E-commerce Directive) was adopted in early summer 2000, enshrining the "country of origin" principle in the on-line environment. Effectively, this principle means that an on-line retailer established in one of the European Union member states is allowed to offer e-commerce services on-line throughout the European Union as long as it meets the legal requirements of its country of domicile. However, the legal certainty established by the E-commerce Directive is already under threat. The European Commission intends to revive an idea from 1967 regarding the creation of a Council Regulation2often called Rome II Regulation. Another closely related instrument is the regulation on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (the Brussels

Sunday, August 25, 2019

GOLF Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

GOLF - Assignment Example The players competing in a golf game use varied types of clubs to place a ball into a series of holes scattered across a golf course. The size and dimensions of a golf course are not well defined as in other sports. Each golf course has a unique design and layout and may have either eighteen or nine holes. Each hole in a golf course has a teeing ground that is â€Å"the starting point of each hole, where the tee markers are (PGA Professional 20)†. A teeing ground comprises of a bounded tee area that includes the putting green and varied hazards like rough and fairway. Putt pertains to a shot made by a golfer with a golf club to make the ball roll. Putting green happens to be â€Å"the most closely mown and smooth area on the course, which is specifically prepared for putting and on which the hole is placed (PGA Professional 16)†. Hazards consist of bunkers filled with sand or some other stuff and water hazards like ponds and ditches that make the game more complex. A si ngle round of golf involves rolling the golf balls in all the holes on a golf course as per a specific order. This order is set as per the layout of a particular golf course. In a golf course consisting of nine holes, the rules are the same except the fact that a game comprises of two following nine-hole rounds. A Player is usually required to keep on hitting a ball until it is holed that is put in a hole. Golf is a game that could be played either individually or in groups. The player who manages to put the ball in all the holes during a round by resorting to the least number of strokes in a round is considered to be the winner. Mainly there are two basic types of golf that are match play and stroke play. In match play, each hole is considered to be a separate contest, and of the two players or teams, the one that wins the maximum number of holes is declared to be the winner. In stroke play, the strokes made by each player to push the ball in every single hole are

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Native American Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Native American - Essay Example The use of stringed instruments such as guitars and fiddles and the application of music synchronization to Indian music were initially introduced by the Europeans. With the migration of the Europeans and their African slaves to western Americas, both the European and African music started to influence Native American music traditions (Prinzing). In the American Indian humanity, music has always portrayed an important role — a medium of communication with the spiritual kingdom, and of inviting mystical force into their daily existence. It has become a fundamental expression of American Indian identity (Fields). â€Å"The importance of American Indian music is found not in its impact on modern scholarship and composition but in the traditions and values it expresses to and for the Indian people. This oral tradition has survived solely because the music was too important to be allowed to die† (1976). Indian songs are an integral component of any activity, and encompass power in and of itself (Fields). There are songs for all events. There are songs for the efficiency of labour, success in hunting and fishing, winning in betting and gambling, making of rain, safety of the home and the family, power to heal, abundant harvests, lullabies, songs of romance, worship songs, corn-grinding songs, social dance songs, game songs, and legend songs (Rhodes 6). Some Indian songs are for teaching roles in society. Lullabies not only put babies in deep slumber, but furthermore aid as guidance and preparation for a life ahead. The songs are intended to facilitate happiness, good health, and the making of a better person and a useful part of humanity. One Indian lullaby says, â€Å"My little son, you will put a sealing spear into your canoe, without knowing what use you may make of it when you are a man† (Densmore 226). Another lullaby for a little girl says, â€Å"This little girl will pick black salmon berries when the women go to get berries†

Friday, August 23, 2019

Business Proposal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Business Proposal - Assignment Example This business proposal concerns the introduction of a new private health insurance scheme in the country which will cater to the varying needs of the low to middle income group residents of the United States of America. An oligopolistic market is a market structure in which a handful of firms compete and overshadow. The insurance market in the United States of America is a highly competitive market. As per the principles of Economics, when a market sector is communicably connected between few dominating firms, then it becomes a highly competitive market. In an oligopolistic market, although a few companies dominate, there remains a possibility of a number of small companies operating in the same market. For example, in the health care insurance market of the United States of America, there are multinational companies like Blue Cross organizations, Etna and Kaiser who are the main players in the sector. However, in addition to this, there is also some small scale independent health care insurance coverage provided as a part of creating a support system for the low income groups of people. Also, there are small private insurance companies which provide specialty insurance services for disabled and ne edy people (Economics Online Ltd, 2014). This business proposal is focused on the emerging and existing demands in the market related to health insurance coverage. Also, the factor of the significance of health insurance coverage for the consumers and the manner in which premiums and coverage for these plans change in order to adapt to the external competitive environment are taken into consideration in the selected business proposal. A necessity of examining the results of certain quality metrics related to demands in the health care insurance market has been identified in the insurance market of the United States. The

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Code of Silence Essay Example for Free

The Code of Silence Essay The code of silence within minority communities contributes to more violence and crime.The code of silence runs so deep that many blacks, who snitch, morally struggle with their decisions. No-snitching culture is engrained into our everyday life in these communities through music, television, and personal relationships. Not snitching on criminals and a violent act can lead into injustice for the victims and unsafe environment. The code of silence can and will affect individuals, families, and communities if it doesn’t be broken. Crime and violence will never seem to cease if they won’t break the code of silence because the violators will not be rightfully serve. When we are silent, as opposed to assisting with arresting the criminals, it perpetuates the situation. They are not caught, and feel invincible, which allows them to rein terror in our communities!! The earliest experience with injustice I have had was the murder Of Terrell Banks, a family member of mines. The injustice comes in the fact that his murder has gone unsolved for two years, due to the fact that witnesses have refused to come forward because of the ‘no snitching,’ ‘in the hood. The code of silence enables people to commit crimes with no regard of getting caught. The case is more solid with a witness, therefore the State will ask for more time. There is less of a chance of a plea if caught when the State has a solid witness. In a society with lack of morals as we live, the best deterrent to crime is the removal of freedom. If an offender feels they can get away with minimum time, they are more likely to commit that crime. The code of silence works not out of fear, but because of lack of trust in the police. First, some community members fear that the police cannot protect them from retaliation; second, some believe a blue wall of silence exists in police departments, and that it is hypocritical to ask citizens to snitch on each other when officers will not do the same. there were is routine to relocate witnesses, but is not option because victims or witnesses have extended families they do not wish to leave behind because they become targets of retaliation. If the governing officials straighten out the system and build trust and the code will disappear. Individuals’ personal safety is a stake and when it’s public known that you have snitch, that’s when you are ridicule and have the fear of being hurt. In conclusion, the code of silence within minority communities contributes to more violence and crime. The code of silence can and will affect individuals, families, and  communities if it doesn’t be broken. Crime and violence will never seem to cease if they won’t break the code of silence because the violators will not be rightfully serve.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Steps in Medical Billing Process Essay Example for Free

Steps in Medical Billing Process Essay There are several steps to the medical billing process step one to ten are as follows: Preregister patients, Establish financial responsibility for visits, Check in the patients, Check out the patients, Review coding compliance, Check billing compliance, Prepare and transmit claims, Monitor payer adjudication, Generate patient statements and finally Follow up patients payments and handle collections. Preregister patients is when you schedule and update appointments and collect insurance information for the patients. When you are scheduling appointments for new patient you need to get basic information and insurance information and reason for appointment. Establishing Financial Responsibility is an important step where you must determine what services are covered under the patients insurance and what service they are responsible for this also help if a preauthorization is need and ensures that are information is done and billed correctly. Check in Patients This is when you collect all necessary information from the patient such as copies for insurance cards. This is also, where you can collect copays and make sure the patient’s information is correct and updated if need be. Check out Patients This is where you record the proper medical codes for the visit. This is also where you provide information if the patient has made a payment or how much they owe and to make sure it is coded properly so the patient will be charged correctly. If payment or copays have been made then a receipt is given. Review Coding Compliance This is where guidelines must be follow when coding the visit. This must be checked for errors and the visit and the code should be connected so the payer understands the charges. Check Billing Compliance Each charge, or fee, for a visit is related to a specific procedure code. The provider’s fees for services are listed on the medical practice’s fee schedule. Most medical practices have standard fee schedules listing their usual fees. Even through there is separate codes for each fee not all are necessarily billable Prepare and Transmit Claims This is where the claims are prepared and submit in a timely manner listing the diagnosis, procedures, and charges for the payer. Most are sent electronically and each practice, as a policy as to when claims are filed be it daily, every other day etc. Monitor Payer Adjudication is where the where the health plans decide rather to pay the whole bill, part of the bill or deny the bill altogether. It is important for them to get their money as soon as possible, this is also where any discrepancies are address, and an appeal is then file if there are any discrepancies found. Generate Patients Statements This is where payments are listed from the payer, and what is still owed and what the patient is being billed it is them mailed to the patient. The date of service and any balances , and services provided are all listed on the statement. Follow up patients payments and collections this is where patients payments are monitored and checked and if they are behind they are sent a notice and if still no response collection procedures maybe started.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Different Reactions From The Brine Shrimp Biology Essay

Different Reactions From The Brine Shrimp Biology Essay The objective of the Pharmacology Lab is to find the lethal chemical(s) or the LD50 relevant to a certain genus. In order for a chemical to be considered the LD50, 50% of the population of the organism present in a container must die. A total of three trials and four tests are completed to determine whether or not the chemical has the ability to kill the brine shrimp. The three trials contain 5mL of the chemical in each container, while the four tests have different amounts of the chemical in each container. The amount of water used for both the trials and tests remain constant at 40mL. Once the correct amount of the required substances and brine shrimp are placed into their respective and labeled containers for both trials and tests, they are then moved under a desk light. For the next duration of time, the death rate of the brine shrimp and the physical or behavioral changes visible are observed and recorded. After performing the experiments, the data shows that a great number of t hese selected regular household items have deadly chemicals in them that can kill other living organisms if given the right amount of dosage, including humans. Out of all five products, the LD50 was only found in soda and hydrogen peroxide. Lemon juice, nail polish remover, and hand sanitizer were not considered the LD50 because the death rate percentage was higher than 50%. This research provides a better understanding of how toxic household chemicals are. Products that were created for consuming such as the Lemon Juice and Soda were found to instantly and over a certain amount of time, kill the brine shrimp once in contact. II. Introduction In this experiment, one of the main purposes is to find the LD50 of several household chemicals on Brine Shrimp. LD means lethal dose of a certain product. The LD50 formula gives the estimate of deaths of half a population when receiving the molarity of each chemical. A possible solution to this problem is to perform and experiment where an organism is tested on with different types of chemicals for the death rate. Brine shrimp, the genus used, are aquatic crustaceans that can be grown by adding water and brine shrimp eggs into a tank. This process takes approximately two days. Brine shrimp lives in salt water, but can also survive in regular water for 24 hours. Completing this experiment determines whether they can survive a certain about of chemicals in different time intervals. This lab contains five different chemicals including: nail polish remover, hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice, hand sanitizer, and lemon soda. These household chemicals are tested as the positive controls, whil e the negative control is water. With five positive controls, there would be different results from each chemical. As the experiment takes place through four tests; each containing 3 trials; the observation of the deaths of brine shrimp demonstrates the amount of time they can survive in new obscure habitats. The test of each chemical shows whether there are traces of deadly substances, which could help find the measures of toxicity in each chemical. Testing the toxicity by molarity and time shows the maximum amount of toxicity that humans can handle to be able to survive. The experiment is an example of how living organisms react to chemicals. The brine shrimp will play the role of the organism. However, different organisms will have different reactions depending on their adaptations and physical traits. As the brine shrimp take in the chemicals, the inability to survive increases. The death of the aquatic crustaceans shows how toxic harmless household chemicals can truly be.This lab will explore the ingredients from the five chemicals used. The observations of the LD50 will determine which chemical is deadlier than the others, causing the public to be more aware of these fatal factors. III. Methods: The brine shrimp are grown by adding water and brine shrimp eggs into a tank. Brine shrimp takes two days to mature enough to be experimented on. The lethal chemical(s) or the LD50 are found by placing different substances mixed with water into containers with nine brine shrimp. Through a series of tests and trials, the lethal chemicals are distinguished. A total of three trials and four tests are completed to determine whether or not the chemical has the ability to kill the brine shrimp. The three trials contain 5ml of the chemical in each container, while the four tests have different amounts of the chemical in each container; (5ml, 10ml, 15ml, and 20ml). The amount of water used for both the trials and tests remain constant at 40ml. Once the correct amount of the required substances the brine shrimp are placed into their labeled containers for both trials and tests. Next, the Brine shrimp are moved under a desk light because they are attracted to any form of light. The death rate and physical or behavioral changes of the brine shrimp are observed and recorded in tests with intervals of 10-minute trials and 5-30 minutes. This lab consists of four tests and three trials for five different chemicals to find the LD50. The positive controls include: Super Chill Lemon Lime soda, hydrogen peroxide, House Recipe lemon juice, 2.2 oz. of Assured Aloe Vera scented hand sanitizer and 2.2 oz. of ONYX Professional lavender scented nail polish remover, while the negative control is water throughout the entire experiment. For each test, there are three trials performed beforehand. Twenty seven brine shrimp are needed for the trials. For each of the three trials, nine brine shrimp are obtained from the twenty seven. Then, 40mL of distilled water is added to the brine shrimp container through pipettes and graduated cylinders; the total volume of water for each trial is 40mL in order to maintain consistency. From each chemical, 5mL are added into the labeled containers of the 40 mL distilled water. Once all substances are added, the containers are placed under direct light from a desk lamp because brine shrimp are att racted to light. Through five tests after the three trials, various amounts of nail polish remover, hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice, hand sanitizer, and Sprite soda are added to its assigned containers. For each test, there will be four containers for the different amounts used of each chemical. The first container contains 5mL of the chemical while the other three containers will have an increase of 5mL from the prior container. This process will be done five times for the five chemicals used. The counts of deceased shrimp after each time interval are recorded over a course of 5 minutes to 30 minutes in percentages. Different reactions from the brine shrimp were recorded in the data table as well as pictures being taken. This procedure was used according to the outline given in order to achieve the objective of this lab. Given a certain the amount of time, three trials and four tests were used. In the procedure, several changes were included, instead of adding 40ml of water with the nine brine shrimp, 40ml of water was added to the desired chemical first to have enough time to collect the brine shrimp for the specific trial and test. IV. Data Data table for Trial: Peroxide (3 trials total) @ (5ml of chemical) PH: 7 Time interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 10 mins move erratically; attracted to light; hitting against the cup 0% 0 10 mins move erratically, attracted to light 11% 1 10 mins move erratically, attracted to light 11% 1 Data table for Test: Peroxide 5mL Time Interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 5 min has bubbles 0% 0 10 min has bubbles 0% 0 15 min has bubbles 22% 2 20 min has bubbles 22% 2 25 min has bubbles 33% 3 30 min has bubbles 33% 3 Data table for Test: Peroxide 10mL Time Interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 5 min has bubbles 44% 4 10 min has bubbles 44% 4 15 min has bubbles 44% 4 20 min has bubbles 44% 4 25 min has bubbles 44% 4 30 min has bubbles 44% 4 Data table for Test: Peroxide 15mL Time Interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 5 min has bubbles 33% 3 10 min has bubbles 44% 4 15 min has bubbles 44% 4 20 min has bubbles 55% 5 25 min has bubbles 55% 5 30 min has bubbles 55% 5 Data table for Test: Peroxide 20mL Time Interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 5 min has bubbles 33% 3 10 min has bubbles 33% 3 15 min shrimp turn orange 44% 4 20 min has bubbles 55% 5 25 min has bubbles 55% 5 30 min has bubbles 55% 5 Data table for Trial: Nail Polish Remover (3 trials total) @ (5ml of chemical) PH: 7 Time interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 10 mins hitting against the cup under the light 22% 2 10 mins hitting against the cup under the light 22% 2 10 mins hitting against the cup under the light 22% 2 Data table for Test: Nail Polish 5mL Time Interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 5 min has bubbles 11% 1 10 min has bubbles 22% 2 15 min has bubbles 22% 2 20 min has bubbles 55% 5 25 min has bubbles 66% 6 30 min has bubbles 66% 6 Data table for Test: Nail Polish 10mL Time Interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 5 min has bubbles 100% 9 10 min has bubbles 100% 9 15 min has bubbles 100% 9 20 min has bubbles 100% 9 25 min has bubbles 100% 9 30 min has bubbles 100% 9 Data table for Test: Nail Polish 15mL Time Interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 5 min has bubbles 100% 9 10 min has bubbles 100% 9 15 min has bubbles 100% 9 20 min has bubbles 100% 9 25 min has bubbles 100% 9 30 min has bubbles 100% 9 Data table for Test: Nail Polish 20mL Time Interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 5 min has bubbles 100% 9 10 min has bubbles 100% 9 -15 min has bubbles 100% 9 20 min has bubbles 100% 9 25 min has bubbles 100% 9 30 min has bubbles 100% 9 Data table for Trial: Lemon (3 trials total) @ (5ml of chemical) PH: 2 Time interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 10 mins some floats 100% 9 10 mins transparent with some orange 100% 9 10 mins completely transparent 100% 9 Data table for Test: Lemon 5 mL Time Interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 5 min completely transparent 100% 9 10 min completely transparent 100% 9 15 min completely transparent 100% 9 20 min completely transparent 100% 9 25 min completely transparent 100% 9 30 min completely transparent 100% 9 Data table for Test: Lemon 10mL Time Interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 5 min completely transparent 100% 9 10 min completely transparent 100% 9 15 min completely transparent 100% 9 20 min completely transparent 100% 9 25 min completely transparent 100% 9 30 min completely transparent 100% 9 Data table for Test: Lemon 15mL Time Interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 5 min completely transparent 100% 9 10 min completely transparent 100% 9 15 min completely transparent 100% 9 20 min completely transparent 100% 9 25 min completely transparent 100% 9 30 min completely transparent 100% 9 Data table for Test: Lemon 20mL Time Interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 5 min completely transparent 100% 9 10 min completely transparent 100% 9 15 min completely transparent 100% 9 20 min completely transparent 100% 9 25 min completely transparent 100% 9 30 min completely transparent 100% 9 Data table for Trial: Hand Sanitizer (3 trials total) @ (5ml of chemical) PH: 7 Time interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 10 mins shrimp turns orange 33% 3 10 mins all on the bottom 33% 3 10 mins against the wall 22% 2 Data table for Test: Hand Sanitizer 5 mL Time Interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 5 min turns orange 66% 6 10 min turns orange 66% 6 15 min turns orange 77% 7 20 min turns orange 77% 7 25 min turns orange 100% 9 30 min turn orange 100% 9 Data table for Test: Hand Sanitizer- 10mL Time Interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 5 min turns orange 22% 2 10 min turns orange 33% 3 15 min turns orange 55% 5 20 min turns orange 55% 5 25 min turns orange 88% 8 30 min turns orange 100% 9 Data table for Test:Hand Sanitizer- 15mL Time Interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 5 min turns orange 44% 4 10 min turns orange 66% 6 15 min turns orange 66% 6 20 min turns orange 66% 6 25 min turns orange 77% 7 30 min turns orange 100% 9 Data table for Test: Hand Sanitizer- 20mL Time Interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 5 min turns orange 88% 8 10 min turns orange 88% 8 15 min turns orange 100% 9 20 min turns orange 100% 9 25 min turns orange 100% 9 30 min turns orange 100% 9 Data table for Trial: soda (3 trials total) @ (5ml of chemical) PH: 7 Time interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 10 mins bubbles 22% 2 10 mins some are orange 22% 2 10 mins some are orange 22% 2 Data table for Test: soda 5 mL Time Interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 5 min bubbles 11% 1 10 min bubbles 11% 1 15 min bubbles 11% 1 20 min bubbles 11% 1 25 min bubbles 22% 2 30 min bubbles 22% 2 Data table for Test: soda 10mL Time Interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 5 min bubbles 55% 5 10 min bubbles 55% 5 15 min bubbles 55% 5 20 min bubbles 55% 5 25 min bubbles 55% 5 30 min bubbles 55% 5 Data table for Test: soda- 15mL Time Interval Observations Deaths (%) Deaths (#) 5 min bubbles 44% 4 10 min bubbles 44% 4 15 min bubbles 55% 5 20 min bubbles 66% 6 25 min bubbles 66% 6 30 min bubbles 77% 7 Data table for Test: soda 20mL: Time Interval Observations Death (%) Deaths (#) 5 min bubbles 88% 8 10 min bubbles 88% 8 15 min bubbles 88% 8 20 min bubbles 88% 8 25 min bubbles 88% 8 30 min bubbles 88% 8 V. Analysis The LD50 for hydrogen peroxide is approximately 0.24 molars. Hydrogen peroxide has 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (Stabilized), Purpose First Aid Antiseptic/Oral Debriding Agent. Its Inactive Ingredient is Purified Water. Hydrogen peroxide is a deteriorizing agent that is commonly used as a hair bleach when diluted. An Oral debriding agent describes what the hydrogen peroxide can do. This means that the hydrogen peroxide when diulted in water can help heal minor mouth and gum irritation. Since all living organisms have an enzyme called peroxidase, it helps decompose low concentrations hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. . There is no LD50 for nail polish remover. Nail Polish remover has the ingredients: Acetone, aqua, denatonium benzoate, tocopheryl acetate, aloe barbadensis leaf juice, parfum(means perfume in french), Cl 45410(dye), Cl 60730(dye). Denatonium benzoate is a chemical compound known to prevent and discourage people from drinking harmful products. Tocopheryl acetate, also known as vitamin E acetate provides beneficial antioxidant effects. Aloe barbadensis leaf juice, also know as Aloe Vera is a plant. When consumed, it can help relieve irritable bowel syndrome and heartburn. Acetone is an organic compound that is a colorless and flammable liquid. Concluding that acetone is the lethal ingredient and causes the death of the brine shrimp when ingested, it will cause liver problems, which causes the liver to have a hard time breaking them down. Large intake of acetone can lead to unconsciousness and death. There was no LD50 for Lemon; the ingredients in the lemon juice packets include water, lemon juice concentrate, sodium benzoate, sodium bisulfite, and lemon oil. Sodium Benozoate is a type of salt often used a preservative because it works well at killing bacteria, yeast, and fungi. Sodium bisulfite is a food addictive. When in contact with chlorine bleach, it will release harmful fumes.The brine shrimp died within 20 minutes because of the sodium benzoate in the lemon juice packet, which is a type of salt mixed together with vitamin C causes a carcinogen substance called benzene. Benzene is a carcinogen because when exposed into the air, it can cause leukemia. Eating or drinking substances with high levels of benzene can cause vomiting, dizziness, sleepiness, and or death. It may not be lethal enough to kill humans yet, but having a high amount of the lemon juice packets can potentially kill a human or any living organism. There is no LD50 for Hand Sanitizer but the graph decreases and increases because there was a slight change in the number of brine shrimp needed in each container. The ingredients contained in this chemical are: water, triethanolamine, glycerin, propylene glycol, aloe barbadensis gel(another form of aloe vera), carbomer, fragrance, blue 1(dye), yellow 5(dye), and 62% ethyl alcohol. Triethanolamine is a chemical compound that occasionally causes contact allergy. Glycerin is a simple alcohol compound that is used as a sweetener and sometimes a preservative in food and beverages. Propylene glycol is an organic compound used in many applications such as a food addictive called E number 1520, moisturizer in medicine, and a solvent for food coloring. Carbomer is a synthetic polymer that forms an adhesive eye gel. 62% ethyl alcohol is a flammable liquid used as solvents and fuel. The brine shrimp died because of the 62% ethyl alcohol in the hand sanitizer, when consumed can cause death. Alt hough used in wine and any alcoholic drinks, the drinks only contain small concentrations of alcohol, legal enough to drink. The LD50 for Super chill lemon lime soda is approximately 0.19 molars. The ingredients in the soda are carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, citric acid, natural flavors, potassium citrate and potassium benzoate. High frutose corn syrup is comprised of many corn syrups that has undergone enzymatic(enzymes that catalyze) process that converts glucose into frutose for desired sweetness. There have been health concerns about raising the risks of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Citric acid is a weak organic acid that is a natural preservative and used to add a sour taste to food and soft drinks. Contact with dry citric acid can result in skin or eye irritation. potassium citrate is a food addictive and used to regulate acidity. It is also a potential health hazard when administered incorrectly. Elevated blood levels of potassium citrate can result in heart attacks and death. Potassium benzoate is a food preservative that inhibits the growth of yeast, mold, and some bacteria. T he reason why the brine shrimp died because of potassium citrate in the soft drink. Too much potassium citrate can cause irregular heartbeat and a risk of having a heart attack. Although there are potassium citrate pills sold in stores, they are only recommended if the person had been having a case of fatigue or muscle weakness. The kidney is responsible for eliminating excess potassium in the body. The molarity formula: iM1V1=1M2V2 was used to find the LD50 and true concentration of each chemical after all the substance has been added to container and totaled. The LD50 for Hydrogen Peroxide is 0.24 molars. The LD50 for Super Chill lemon lime soda is 0.19 molars. There are no LD50 for lemon, nail polish remover, and hand sanitizer because the deaths were higher than fifty percent. The standard deviation at 20 ml for Hydrogen Peroxide is approximately 0.833, for Nail Polish remover, lemon, hand sanitizer, and soda is 0. The chemicals included in this experiment are normally used in everyday use in the household. Chemicals such as peroxide are used to clean injuries or cuts. Hand sanitizer is used to clean 99.9% of bacteria on hands. Nail polish remover is used for getting the nail polish off of the fingernails. Lemon juice packets are used in making the dressing for a salad. The LD50 for Nail Polish remover is 1.159 g/kg for humans when digested. Unfortunately, the LD50 for the r est of chemicals are unavailable because they have only been conducted on rats and mice. Although the results of the data were both consistent and gradual in terms of death percentages, a few of the brine shrimp died before 5 minutes of data was recorded. This indicated that the brine shrimp could not live in the high toxicity levels on some of the chemicals used in this experimentation even with the addition of water. VI. Conclusion This lab is significant because the participants are able to discover the true dangers of certain household products such as hydrogen peroxide, soda, hand sanitizer, lemon juice, and nail polish remover. With everyday household chemicals, a personà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s health can be affected, thus finding the LD50 will tell us how toxic a certain item is. The use of the LD50 is to study the amount of a chemical that will kill 50% of the tested animal, which will show us how dangerous a product can truly be. Some insights include the participants testing the dangers of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“harmlessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  products. The lab offered similarities and an opportunity for a hands on experience of the procedures a toxicologist, like finding the cause and effects of poison. By using mathematical formulas like the molarity formula and the standard deviation formula, accurate and reliable data was collected to find the true concentration of the LD50 chemicals. For example, the data and calculat ions from these formulas show that one of the chemicals, Hydrogen Peroxide is the LD50 with a molarity of 0.24 molars. The data tables show that chemicals like the lemon juice, nail polish remover, and hand sanitizer are not the LD50. This is most likely due to the fact that these products contain amounts of citric acid and alcohol which results in death rates that are over 50%. In the trials and tests, many occurrences of errors and mistakes which could have affected the outcome of the results. In one of the hand sanitizer tests, 18mL was added into the mixture of substance instead of 20mL. Instead of counting the number of death at a certain time, some of the intervals were missed by a minute or two. This lab was not as accurate as expected because of the difficulties experienced during the beginning of the lab. For example, lotion was one of the chemicals to be tested on the brine shrimp prior to the lab. However, because the lotion was dense, it was difficult to mix with the wat er. Also, the color made it nearly impossible to see and count the brine shrimp. These errors could be easily avoided in the future by double checking the amount of a substance being added, keeping track of time, and using transparent products. For a clearer understanding several alterations of a procedure outline, being careful with the amount of measurements and constant data collection could be applied in the future.

Creation Stories of Babylon, Egypt, and Genesis Essay -- Creationism C

Creation myths of Babylon, Egypt, and Genesis There are many similarities in the Babylonian, Egyptian, and Genesis stories. In all the stories one god creates man and explains how all things on earth come to being. They also set up their calendars and show examples of evil within each story to set up moral rules for man to live by. How do these elements compare between each of these stories? In the Babylonian myth the God Marduk creates man from the blood of another god Kingu. â€Å"Blood will I compose, bring a skeleton into being, Produce a lowly, primitive creature, ‘Man’ shall be his name.† In Egyptian myth the God Rae creates man and takes this form. In the Genesis story there is only one God, he creates man in the image of himself. In the Babylonian and Egyptian stories, the major difference is they have many Gods. Also, in the Genesis story God creates man in his likeness, this might be the case with the Babylonian story, but that is not clear. The major similarity is that all three of the stories only have one God that creates mankind. All the stories show how things came onto the Earth and how it was made; they also set up their calendars at the same time. In the Babylonian story, Marduk is granted the power of speaking something and it will come to being and if he spoke it again it would come out of being. Marduk becomes king, greater than all the Gods, after slaying the God Tiamat. Then later the defeat and capture of Tiamat’s army and commander Kingu. â€Å"He ma...

Monday, August 19, 2019

Organ Donors Must Not be Paid Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Argume

Organ Donors Must Not be Paid   Ã‚  Ã‚   Today, medical operations save lives around the world, a feat that surely would surprise our ancestors. Many operations replace defective organs with new ones; for new organs to be ready to be implanted there need to be organ donors. We are not so advanced a society that we can grow replacement organs. Thousands of organ donors in the United States every year are seen as doing the most noble of deeds in modern civilization, and most of the time death has to occur before the organ can be used. Now, though, some are suggesting that organ donors—or their beneficiaries—should be paid for their donations. This should not happen, as it creates a strain on the already tight national budget, forces implications of illegal organ sales, and even complicates the word â€Å"donor.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For a society to consider paying organ donors, it must first have enough money to pay them. Where does the money come from? Hospitals cannot be expected to give any money away, especially an amount to compensate for an organ that a person will never get back, so the obvious s...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Fifth Business by Robertson Davies Essay -- Essays Papers Davies Fifth

Fifth Business by Robertson Davies In the essay Fifth Business, each of the main character traits is developed more and more clearly throughout their lives. Childhood characteristics are evident in the characters of Dustan Ramsay, Percy Boyd Stauton and Paul Dempster. All paranoia, and memories of the town of Deptford are resurfaced in each of them after they all had left to start lives on their own. It was childhood that scared or marked them as people and the fact that parents often have influence on children so, there is no question that these characters were definitely influenced by the parents in Deptford. Also, it is evident that each character seems to run away due to the insecurities that they faced as children. Dunstan ran from his guilt, Percy for his status and ego and Paul from his challenges as a misfit. Each seemed to wander like nomads throughout their lives, while these insecurities where never faced or challenged so they could change their point of views. It was what seemed to be instilled within them like, the theory that the first five years of childhood shape the personalities of individuals. This is certainly evident in the novel at the beginning to the end. Dunstan ?s childhood was affected deeply through each situation he faced as a young man, to a highly respected professor. He felt he was the center of all bad things, which occurred around him. Mrs. Demster?s accident was the main influence of his guilt because he felt that he was additionally...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Pastoral Reflection Paper

After returning home from the mission field and going on staff at a Church, it wasn’t long before I found myself being used by God to counsel people. There was a lot of fear involved in the counseling, not from those who were being counseled, but from me, because I never had any formal training. Different life situations have caused me to receive counseling, but that was the extent of my counseling experience. After seeing God use me, an unqualified servant help marriages be restored, I felt the call to return to school to obtain a formal education in Pastoral Counseling.I will share how it all came about, what I have learned and what I expect the Lord to do through this formal training from taking PACO 500 Introduction to Pastoral Counseling. LIFE EXPERIENCES CHANGED MY FUTURE Fear doesn’t describe what I went through while serving the Lord as a M, in Northern Africa. My family and I where in the middle of a civil war, between Rebels and the President’s forces a fter being in the country for only three weeks. Gunfire, sounds of tanks shooting their guns and RPG’s flying through the sky happened throughout the day.The first night of the civil war, thieves decided to take the opportunity to invade our home while there was no police force; because they were helping the army fight the war. After going through a home invasion and being shot at during the invasion, three days later we were finally evacuated out of the country by the French Military. My family and I along with other expats arrived in France to a crowd of reporters and a small group of counselors. THE CHANGES My first experience with any type of counseling came that day we exited the plane in France.My family and I had gone through more than we signed up for as M, living through those three days of a civil war. The personal emotions we went through from that experience, at that time I did not know how to describe, but after reading The Pastor’s Guide to Psychological Disorders and Treatments, I now know we went through a form of an anxiety attack. The authors, Johnson and Johnson (2000), define anxiety as â€Å"a universal human emotion. It is a general feeling of apprehension about possible danger. † (p. 8).Reading through the symptoms of anxiety described by Johnson and Johnson (2000), â€Å"sweating, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, hot or cold flashes, trembling, dry mouth, and difficulty swallowing. † (p. 9) we experienced almost all of them to a certain extent during the war. After sitting with the counselors while in France over a five day period, having opportunities to share all that had happened to us, allowed us to exhale and realize someone cared about what happened to us. Those days of meetings, along with a period of five months, we were allowed to return to the country we had been evacuated from.Not only did we return to the same city, but to the same house that we experienced the home evasio n. God used that counseling team to help restore us so we could return to the work we were called. Upon our return we were able to see four different people come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. After the two years we spent in Northern Africa, we returned home and I went on staff at Church as a Associate Pastor. One of the major things I learned while living overseas, you need a spiritually strong family to have a spiritually strong ministry. If your family is not healthy your ministry or job will not be healthy.Over the past four years while living in the states, I have noticed a great need to help family become stronger. After being approached by the second family, asking me to help them grow their family spiritually, I asked them why they were coming to me? Their answer opened my eyes to the truth about how God uses bad situation for His glory. They told me after hearing about all my family had gone through while living overseas and seeing how we had not just survived, but we t hrived as a family, they wanted to meet and talk. I could not call it counseling, but in my heart knew that is what it would lead too.Then as my eyes were opened to all the men in my church who were struggling with pornography, addiction, and anger issues, I knew I could not just sit back and watch them walk that road of darkness. I started meeting with these men alone at first, and then when I met with them and their wife, I would invite my wife into the meeting. It was at that point I was labeled the unofficial counseling Pastor of the Church. As I looked back on the way I handled those meetings as a unqualified counselor with those different men and their wives, I have realized I did some things right and a lot of things wrong.Because of this time of reflection and feeling the Lord’s leading, I enrolled back in school to obtain my degree in Pastoral Counseling. In doing this, I know God will use this class to teach me different methods, style and techniques to better help people and families in need. Since enrolling in PACO 500, I have been reflecting back on those unofficial counseling times, and I have realized that listening to the counselee is just as important as having a personal quiet time daily with God. In Petersen’s (2007) Why Don’t We Listen Better? Rev. Dr. Petersen shares one of the things he has learned.He states, â€Å"I have leaned the value of communication balancing: listen awhile, talk until the other person stops hearing, and listen until the person calms enough to hear again. † (p. 5). While I was meeting with these different families, I realized I did not have a balance in my listening skills. I would battle with the feeling of wanting to interject my thoughts or opinions. Petersen’s (2007) statement â€Å"real listening gets us inside each other and there seems to be something in such human connection that touches and changes us. † (p. 7) This statement taught me that if I want to follow myhea rt’s desire to truly help people, I must become a better listener. Looking back on my time when I went through counseling in France, I realize the counselors had a great amount of balance in their sessions. Reflecting upon my life experiences with counseling sessions, I am excited to learn how to be a better listener and how to ask the right questions to show I care. One of the things I am expecting out of this class is to learn how to effectively use the Solution – Focused Counseling taught in the first edition of Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling: An Effective Short-Term Approach of Getting People Back on Track.Kollar’s new edition (1997/2011), because it offers a different approach to counseling. Dr. Kollar states that much of the time within sessions, counselors use the process of remaining centered on the problem, he calls this, â€Å"problem-focused† (p. 14). I am looking forward to learning how to change the focus from the problem, to visualizin g the outcome first. Dr. Kollar states when we do this, â€Å"we become solution-focused rather than problem focused. The outcome dictates the process rather than the process dictating the outcome. † (p. 15).That method was during my session while I was in France. The counselors had my family and I focus on the call on our life by the Lord to minister to those people in Northern Africa, who needed to hear about Christ and what would it take to get us back there. CONCLUSION The things I have learned already from the reading assignment required in PACO 500 are invaluable. I cannot wait to dig deeper into the different methods and ideas taught in my reading assignments. God has a plan for everything that happens and prepares us for His will to be done.As families and individuals deal with different life issues, with the training I will receive through this class and with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, I pray God will allow me to be equipped to help them have victory of those issues. I know God has given me a heart to help individuals and families grow closer to Him. With the Lord’s blessing, maybe one day I may be that counselor on the mission field helping others through difficult times, just as my family and I went through.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Iron Deficient Anemia

Iron-Deficient Anemia Millions of Americans today often admit to being regularly fatigued, attributing it to busy schedules and not enough sleep. These factors certainly can cause fatigue, but, fatigue tends to be a more common underlying symptom of a health condition called iron-deficient anemia. In the article, Understanding Anemia, the Basics, WebMD. com describes iron-deficient anemia as a condition that â€Å"occurs because of a lack of the mineral iron in the body. † It further states that â€Å"without adequate iron, the body cannot produce enough hemoglobin for the red blood cells. Typical indications of anemia include, fatigue, weakness, irritability, headache, pale skin color, and shortness of breath. A more moderate case of anemia may be comprised of the above symptoms and others, such as, numb hands and feet, cold hands and feet, brittle nails, and trouble concentrating. According to the NAAC, the National Anemia Action Council, â€Å"the less common, yet still n oted, experiences with anemia consist of an irregular heartbeat, a desire to eat peculiar things, sexual dysfunction, and chest pains. † In order to obtain a clear diagnosis of iron-deficient anemia, there are a few steps that need to be taken. Initially, a physical examination by a licensed medical doctor should be performed. This will allow the doctor to determine what symptoms and complications are prevalent. To further conclude a positive result for anemia, the doctor will order blood tests, namely a CBC, (complete blood count), a fecal occult test, and a test to check the vitamin and mineral levels in the blood. Specifically checking for iron, ferritin, and vitamin b12 is essential in determining anemia by blood. Once a positive result of anemia is verified, the doctor can then discuss treatments. Google Health, at google. com states that in milder cases of anemia, the doctor will recommend the patient to â€Å"take iron supplements by mouth† and â€Å"eat iron-rich foods such as egg yolks, fish, legumes, meats, raisins, and whole grain breads. † The more severe exmaples of anemia might require iron by injection, iron given intravenously, or, as a last resort, a blood transfusion may be needed. Understanding the indications of anemia and the preventative measures one can take, may be helpful to many people who can’t comprehend why they are so tired all the time. Anemia is one of the most common and most undiagnosed conditions in America today. Education can make the difference in one who helps themselves, and one who continues to suffer from anemia. Works Cited â€Å"Iron Deficiency Anemia† Google Health https://www. google. com/health/ref/Iron+deficiency+anemia â€Å"Iron Deficiency Anemia† NAAC- National Anemia Action Council January 14, 2009 http://www. anemia. org â€Å"Understanding Anemia, the Basics† WebMD December 14, 2008 http://www. webmd. com/a-to-z-guides/understanding-anemia-basics

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Martin Guerre

The book â€Å"Martin Guerre† written by Natalie Zemon Davis' is about a French peasant of the 16th century, who was at the core of an eminent case of masquerade.   Natalie Zemon Davis is a historian and an American feminist of early contemporary France. Her major interests are in cultural and social history particularly of those formerly disregarded by the historians. In her book she discusses about the peasant life because according to her the most striking think about peasant life in sixteenth century, France was that marriage was primarily an economic and business relationship. It seemed to be used simply to unite familial lands and provide continuity in the family. Even though most, if not the entire, would presume the lives of peasants are unimportant in the superior system of things, the admired tale of Martin Guerre gives details of workers or peasants creating important, life-altering verdicts founded on egotism. The individual existance of the peasants does make a distinction. The author Natalie Zemon Davis narrates the story of peasants take care of themselves and seldom do they permit others to get in the way with their own aims, ambitions and objectives. She tries to fill in the fissure of the narrative with her personal view and opinion; even though, her judgment at times opposes the contemporaries of the tale. Numerous sources utilized by Natalie Davis are reasonably sound; but, several other sources elevate queries of their own genuineness and deep feeling. The novelist also takes a cavernous look into the lives of the peasants to investigate what coerces them and what so fervently fuels their idiosyncratic desires. The book details the life of the peasants in not only one specific place, but also details the customs of numerous places such as Hendaye, Artigat, and the court at Rieux in a contrast/compare style. It builds a world of stairs where those on the lowest rung are always looking somewhere higher up, yet they are always able to keep a taut rein on their lives. The characters of this tale are brought to a startling realism and gives details of every possible thought and action that could have led them down the path that they chose, and even speculates on alternatives to the choice they made. The author shows the life of the real Martin Guerre as full of regret and disgust at things gone wrong. His wife, Bertrande de Rols, is expressed as a manipulator that is always weighing her options and scheming to rise ahead. Subsequently, there is Arnaud du Tilh; without his appearance, no story would have likely taken place because it took a man of his shrewdness and his love of vice to create such a fantastical plot. Despite the fact that Arnaud was â€Å"the man for whom [Bertrande] felt†¦a great and joyous passion† (Davis 1983), she couldn't stay contentedly with him. She was a very strong catholic who could not accept â€Å"the shadow of sin and danger which accompanied [Arnaud]†(Davis 1983), even though he made her happier than Martin ever could or would have. In an era where women were indeed oppressed in a male-dominated society, it is understandable that a woman like Bertrande would have feelings of anger towards her oppressors. It is certain that she feels anger and a kind of hatred towards Arnaud, saying that â€Å"[she] has not demanded his death, but now [she] must demand it† (Davis 1983). It is possible that Arnaud is ‘copping the brunt' of all of her hardships that came about after Martin left her. A person might think that Bertrand’s triumph would at last bestow her liberty and trustworthiness. On the contrary, she is given the opposed â€Å"harsh, solitary justice†. No one in actual fact cares that she was true, and no one tries to stop her at the time she goes away. If ethical impartiality had been attained, she (Bertrande) would not have been in the place where she ended up. Frances and Joseph Geis elucidate comprehensively the traditions of family and matrimony during the 16th century. In the middle Ages, the majority of the peasants did not have proper matrimonial vows performed in church. As an alternative, they promise (or vow) to each other to reside as ordinary and bylaw wife and husband. Ceremony was not compulsory because peasants did not possess land; they worked on the property of the aristocracy as occupant cultivators or farmers. Matrimonial customs transformed in the 16th   century due to the peasant's capability to possess property, due to which parents persevered on having further control over their progeny’s matrimonial options. â€Å"Love may do much, but money more.† This was a popular proverb among peasants in 16th century France. This quote characterizes peasant life in all aspects and the same has been described in the book. Though the world offered much to its citizens, the peasants always wanted more; they wanted more money, which would in turn, provide more power. Whatever is beneficial to them, they seek without regards as to the effects it would have on others. In this age of France, trade between villages and towns was bountiful. This emphasis put on business reveals the peasant motto â€Å"but money more†; many believed trading would bring them, greater riches and opportunity. Marriage was a major vessel used by peasants, by which they sought out power and wealth. One such example is the marriage of Bertrande de Rols and Martin Guerre. The Guerre's attempted to use their son, Martin, to make connections with a significant, prominent family in the society of Artigat. They hoped that this new bonding would help them make vital connections to a higher class of peasant. Although it was shunned by most in the Catholic Church and by attorneys consensual marriage was legal and only required the bride and groom to agree on it. It was usually eschewed because it did not give the families any voice in the matter. However, most marriages were arranged by the parents. The main purpose of the marriage was to produce children; love was not a factor. The more children (especially males) a family has, the greater fortune it will likely bring to the family. A childless marriage was grounds for a divorce at this time; without children, a marriage, in essence, has no purpose. Many people simply did not find that their present situation was going well. Many departed themselves from reality by joining the army (this was common due to the current war between France and Spain). Others did not take such a drastic step; they simply picked up everything they owned and moved to a new village to start a new life in hopes of better fortune. Around this time, as ideas moved about rather swiftly due to peasant migration, Protestantism arose to challenge the authority of Catholicism. Peasants broke into church buildings and smashed images of the saints and other artwork. Protestantism found its fuel in its central doctrines: such as scripture being open to individual interpretation. Peasants saw these doctrines as loopholes and alternatives to the harsh, Catholic teachings. The courts, at this time, were attempting to instill the public with more conservative decisions that would favor marriage to divorce and put an emphasis on the familial unit, especially the children; this they did in hopes of ending decisions based solely on self-interest. There are scenarios where execution is used as a form of punishment for adultery. Davis accentuates the generalities of medieval life in France and also provides particularities, such as the property of Pansette staying within his family instead of going to the king, as was the custom. A desire to attain one's own interests so eagerly is proven repeatedly by Davis as though she is obviously attempting to lead us in that direction by her outlook on this part of the past. BIBLIOGRAPHY Davis, Natalie, The Return of Martin Guerre, Harvard University Press, 1983, ISBN, 0 14 00,7593 3 Original Literary Source Lewis, Janet. Retour de Martin Guerre, Le      

Chilean Mining Accident Essay

Donald Marrin 4/8/12 Brittney Preece â€Å"On Aug. 5, 2010, a gold and copper mine near the northern city of Copiapo, Chile caved in, trapping 33 miners in a chamber about 2,300 feet below the surface. For 17 days, there was no word on their fate. As the days passed, Chileans grew increasingly skeptical that any of the miners had survived — let alone all of them. But when a small bore hole reached the miners’ refuge, they sent up a message telling rescuers they were still alive. † (Chile Mining Accident (2010), New York Times) Anytime a communication is given you need to consider how much information needs to be told and the exact information so you can keep it consistent. In a time of crisis consistency is a must to make sure you appear to be doing everything you can. Any time it is a dangerous situation you always want to be open for communication and until you know definite that any of the miners involved are injured or worse you always want to be optimistic. If you tell them the outcome is grim then you may cause panic and uproar when in reality the outcome could be completely different. The most important thing the company needs to keep in mind was the needs of the families of the miners involved and the needs of the employees. Each communication would need to be geared to make sure they know that the mine is doing everything it can to ensure safety of the trapped miners and take extra steps to ensure the safety of the other employees. The message geared to the families regarding the trapped miners would need to be reassuring and let them know that all possible resources are being used to get the miners out as soon as possible to ensure the safety and well being of their loved ones. Like i said earlier, communication would be key in this time. Anything you may think is small the families would want to know all information before they happen to hear it on the news or read it in an article. I also would want to know that until the miners were recovered and ready to return to work that the company would help by financially supporting the families which would reduce the amount of stress on the affected miners and possible offer a quicker recovery. The employees would want to know that safety would be the companys number one priority from then on out to help prevent a tragedy of this magnitude from happening again in the future. Also as an employee, seeing fellow coworkers trapped and in need i would want to pitch in and help. So i believe that other mining should cease until the miners are saved. This would show that the company cares about the workers and not just out for the profits and make the workers just a number. Draft 1: To Families I believe the best way to communicate with the loved ones of the miners would be face to face, possible in a conference room with all the families and the management of the mine. Families and loved ones we have called you hear today to inform you that one of our mines has suffered and cave in and 33 of our miners are currently trapped 300 meters below ground. However, rescuers are drilling holes in an attempt to locate the workers as quickly as possible. Every resource we have is being called in to help the trapped miners. Any information that we learn, the families and loved ones will be the first to know. At this time we are optimistic that the miners are still alive and will be rescued as soon as possible. Any questions or concerns can be directly communicated with one of the management members who will be available to help the families. Draft 2: To the employees In a situation of this magnitude fact to face communication is always best but to quickly get the message to all members of the workforce a memo or newsletter would be effective. Today a horrible incident has happened involving a collapsed mine trapping 33 of our fellow coworkers. All resources are being used to quickly and efficiently rescue the miners. Safety is our number one priority and all safety regulations and safety checks will be implemented to ensure the safety of our employees. We want to prevent anything of this caliber happening in the future. Our employees are our future so we want to keep you safe while at work. We will have counselors on site to help anyone who needs to cope with the situation. At this time we are optimistic the miners will be safely rescued.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

What Does It Cost to Attend Northwest Indian College?

Located just south of the Canadian border on the Lummi Indian Reservation, Northwest Indian College is the only accredited tribal school serving the states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. And unlike many of the colleges in the Evergreen State, this institution comes with a list price that many families would consider affordable. Read on to learn more about college pricing and why it can vary so dramatically between schools and students, as well as what it really costs to attend Northwest Indian College. Like many schools across the U.S., Northwest Indian College has a sticker price that differs significantly from the actual cost most students spend to attend. You can find out the actual price of admission, or the financial aid net price, by adding up the cost of all forms of financial aid, including federal, state, and local grants, institutional aid, and scholarships. Then subtract this figure from the list price. Because Northwest Indian College is a public school, the list price of admission is generally lower than at private schools. However, it’s worth noting that public schools lack the large endowments of private institutions. So they might not be able to give out as much money in the form of financial aid. Do your research to find out what option is truly best for your family. Because Northwest Indian College is a public institution, tuition prices are somewhat lower than average. Expect to spend $13,959 whether you’re applying from in state or out of state. Students in the top 30% of acceptees and those from families earning less than $175,000 a year were less likely to pay the full sticker rate. Financial aid can significantly lower the cost of attending Northwest Indian College. For the 2016-2017 year, both in-state and out-of-state applicants paid around $5,367 annually in tuition and fees. The list price of attending Northwest Indian College is largely dependent on family income level. Check out average net prices per family income bracket below: *The numbers above don’t account for federal Pell Grants some families receive. Estimating your chance of getting into a college is not easy in today’s competitive environment. Thankfully, with our state-of-the-art software and data, we can analyze your academic and extracurricular profile and estimate your chances. Our profile analysis tool can also help you identify the improvement you need to make to enter your dream school. The lower cost of attendance at Northwest Indian College might be part of the reason that few students take out loans to finance their education. Currently, just 12% of undergraduates borrow money for tuition and fees. Assessing student outcomes at Northwest Indian College is a good way to evaluate ROI on your tuition dollars. Currently, the school boasts a six-year graduation rate of 86%, suggesting that a majority of students finish on time. However, prospective salaries seem to be on the low side. Ten years after graduating, the average student was earning just $27,900 annually. Attending Northwest Indian College offers numerous advantages, including the fact that the region is known for its affordability. With a cost of living index of 129.6 , Bellingham, Wash., is only slightly more expensive than the average city in the United States. One of the biggest expenses is housing, which will run you $843 for a one-bedroom, $1100 for a two-bedroom, and $1593 for a three-bed. Working part time can help students afford their degrees. If you’re looking for a position in Bellingham, expect to earn $12 an hour, which is the state minimum wage. The average income in this part of Washington is $42,440 a year. Work-study is a great option for Northwest Indian College students who prefer not to pursue off-campus work. Not only are these jobs convenient in that you don’t have to leave school, but they also tend to include down-time for reading and catching up on homework. Additionally, students can earn extra cash by applying for independent scholarships. If you scored well on the PSATs, consider the National Merit Scholarship program , which provides recognition and grant money to the top 1 percent of test takers. This program helps support the educational goals of 15,000 students a year. Find out what other Northwest Indian College scholarship opportunities are available on the school website. Sky-high college tuition rates can cause both students and parents to hesitate on their college admissions journeys. Fortunately, the Applications Team is there to support families throughout the process. From narrowing down college lists to negotiating financial aid offers, our expert team members are always in your corner. For more information on our services, call today or contact our experts online.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - Assignment Example Hence, the satisfaction of the aforementioned levels prompts people to endeavor to meet the complex needs. In effect, the psychological needs includes sharing of belonging, affection, and love with friends and families. The fourth level entails self-esteem in which people attempt to gain approval, as well as recognition. People achieve self-esteem when they are comfortable with their achievements. Self-actualization represents the last level in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. In this level, people focus on building their image after accomplishing set goals. In essence, the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is an important in exploring employees’ motivation. The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is important in improving the management of the information technology personnel. The management team should apply the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in understanding the personnel’s motivation, as well as needs in order to create the environment that motivates employees. Disselkamp (2013) contends that money is a real motivating factor in satisfying the security and physiological needs of the workers. In this respect, money plays a significant role in satisfying the basic human needs. Similarly, money satisfies the social needs of the employees, and is recognized as the basis of the status, power, and respect. Thus, management can use financial incentives to keep the level of motivation among information technology personnel high. Similarly, the management of the information technology personnel should endeavor to offer job security. Lauby (2005) observes that employees tend to be worried about imminent lay-offs if job security does not exist. Hence, the managers should keep the levels of motivation among employees high through giving them job security. The managers should use Maslow hierarchy of needs to establish health care insurance benefits, fringe benefits, pension plans, retirement plans, and job security.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Social Intelligence Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Social Intelligence - Assignment Example In my case, I would consider my dressing sense as one of the attributing factors to my professional presence. I would always wear formal clothes to work with sober yet pleasant color combinations. The reason I am motivated to dress professionally is to send across an implicit message to my colleagues and clients that I am serious and dedicated to my work. This has a reflective effect, in that their communication toward me also becomes more professional. I have also attuned my workplace behavior to enhance my professional presence. Replying to emails and telephone calls at the earliest possible time is a habit I have tried hard to inculcate. I also pay a lot of attention to detail so that my competence is reflected in my work. By working to enhance my professional presence, I am set to achieve both personal and team goals. While the image I create of myself has ramifications for my career prospects and growth, they also help improve the image of the organization at large. Hence there is a symbiotic benefit to be exploited thus. 2. Albrecht discusses the importance of authenticity in Social Intelligence. Summarize the key points that he makes in our text concerning authenticity. In your opinion, why do you believe that authenticity is important to SI and in particular, with leadership? Albrecht explains ‘authenticity’ as the opposite of being phony. The implication being that an employee will have to be honest with himself and his behavior should reflect the personal value system he has adopted. Authenticity is a particularly important quality for a business leader, for those working under him look up to him as a role model. A leader will also function as a wise counselor to those employees who are in need of guidance. In such scenarios, the role of a business leader turns into one of a mentor.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Evaluating Circle Time as a tool for developing self-esteem in primary Essay

Evaluating Circle Time as a tool for developing self-esteem in primary aged children who suffer with reduced esteem - Essay Example A special thank you goes out to the school administrators and the parents/guardians of the children selected for this important research project. For your professionalism, support, and encouragement, your contribution to this project is what made this study possible to administer. You know who you are. Primary-aged children in todays classroom environment require a significant investment on behalf of the educator in relation to providing a quality-learning environment geared toward satisfying the mandated curriculum demands of the school. However, far beyond the concepts of mathematics, reading literacy or any other rather generic lesson lies the necessity in fostering productive socialisation, both between peers and the educator. In a typical educational facility, moulding and stimulating these relationships can be relatively simple as positive socialisation tends to occur as a natural evolution of children interaction. However, when instructing children with special educational needs, both in the form of physical and mental disabilities, the process of engaging quality social interaction can be a significant undertaking. Children dealing with frustrations stemming from physical or emotional insecurities, especially when paired with children of more advanced developmental capabil ities are often plagued with diminished self-esteem and increased anxiety due to poor (or false) self-assessments of their own inadequacies. As such, developing a positive self-image in these primary-aged children with special educational needs (SEN) must be a primary goal of the contemporary educator As an experienced primary educator, the problems, I have personally encountered within a learning environment in which primary-aged children of various disabilities are paired with children who maintain (at least) average ability, are that some of these